Dovcor Bathrooms talk about Cleveland Modern Homes...

Extract from Dovcor Bathrroms website.... 

Cleveland Modern Homes is situated on Norton high street, near Stockton and is run by John and Matthew.

John is without doubt a legend in the local area, in fact he was once on a cruise and met one of his own customers! Often compared to George Clooney (honest truth) although we think he is more like Sean Connery, John started Modern Homes from scratch before all the modern 3D drawings and even computers existed, so the skills on display are a marvel to watch.

All new bathrooms are designed from scratch by hand but more importantly they are given the same care and attention that John has given all his customers over the years.

Matthew was once Johns protege, but now (many years later) is the future of Modern Homes itself. Trained by John and possibly the most knowledgable man in the whole of the North East when it comes to bathrooms Matthew is an old school gent for the modern world.

The showroom has been built up over many years with the love and attention of a family home, giving it a truely unique feel, while the guided tour on hand from the team and the sheer level of experience and advice available means it cannot be excluded from your list of places to visit.

Our portfolio of recent finished bathrooms...

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Showroom tour...

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